- Carpet Cleaning

What are the Best Carpet Cleaning Methods for Pet Stains?

best carpet cleaning companies for pet stains

While we all love our furry friends, we have to admit that cleaning up after them can become quite a chore, particularly when it comes to cleaning up furniture around the house.
Unwanted pet hair can be difficult to remove manually from carpets. Even regular vacuuming does not completely remove animal hair from the rug fibers. And then there’s everything that our pets seem to drag into the house with them, including muddy paws. Another reason is represented by the small accidents that happen sometimes in the house. All animals are also bound to have at least one accident in the house, and these stains can be difficult to remove on one’s own.
In all the cases mentioned above, it is both important and worthwhile to resort to the best carpet cleaning companies for pet stains. They can help to completely remove the smell, stains and microbes that our pets oftentimes leave behind.

Some helpful tips
 Some carpets, especially short-fibered ones, are easier to clean, especially when it comes to animal hair. A simple lint roller or even a wide band of duct tape works extremely well in removing hair.
 Brush your furry friend regularly to prevent hair on the carpet. It is best to do this outside, so that the hairs do not spread in the house.
 Invest in a quality vacuum cleaner. Vacuum the carpet whenever needed – especially if someone in the home suffers from allergies.
 Keep an enzymatic detergent on hand for pet stains. You never know when your pet may have an accident, or get sick and vomit on the carpet. This detergent will work on the stain until you are able to take it to a professional cleaning service for a deep clean.
 Make sure that the carpet gets professionally cleaned in a timely manner. When pets have accidents in the house, it leaves a scent that can sometimes cause them to have another accident in the same location.

What should you consider when choosing a carpet for your home if you have pets?
The material should be easy to clean, preferably nylon or polyester, and the color should be dark to hide any stains. Smaller carpets can also be easier to clean than larger ones. It may also be best to avoid fringed and curly carpets, as they are easily damaged when there is a playful puppy or a cat in the house.

What advantages does a professional Thornton carpet cleaning service offer?

Using modern equipment to save time and effort
When in the hands of professionals, the carpets are passed through an automated process with the help of professional equipment that the average person does not have at home. The technologies used by the experts allow for a deep cleaning of the carpet. This also saves the carpet owner plenty of time, effort, and energy.
Special detergents for impeccable results
With the help of detergents specifically intended for different types of materials, it becomes easy to remove dirt and pet stains, and to restore the carpets original appearance. Only a professional cleaning can remove certain stains completely – including pet stains – and also eliminate the bacteria. Detergents and solutions specially designed for this cleaning process are expensive and even if they are used at home the result would not be the same as in the case of professional cleaning due to the lack of the proper equipment.

About Mike Jensen

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